TOP 10 Desktop PC Issues and Problems with Solutions.

welcome to Top 10 Desktop PC issues and problems with Solution during this content we'll talk about Top 10 Desktop PC issues and the way to resolve them in fact there are multiple ways to resolve any computer issues and therefore the ones presented here provide an example of that if you recognize a better solution please leave me a comment i might like to study other possible solutions for any of these issues.

1.       Blue Screen of Death(BSOD):-
Cause:- Typically caused by driver or hardware conflict.
Solution:- Take a glance at the dump file to work out exactly what the explanation for the error is alternatively update hardware drivers or consider things during which blue screen of death happen for instance you've installed new hardware or software also you would possibly want to run hardware Diagnostics.
2.       Missing dll files:-
Cause:-  Typically caused by incomplete software installation.
Solution:- Reinstall software find the missing dll and replica it to system 32 and/or sis while 64 32 folder registered DLL if needed through CMD example regSVR 32 space and then the name of the dll.
3.       Software or application won't Install:-
Cause:- Not enough drive space. Newer version already installed. You didn't install prerequisite software (for example vc read dist x64 MS net or direct x or not compatible with the operating system).
Solution:- Release space on disk drive. Search for previous installation of newer software. Install all prerequisites. Acquire compatible OS.
4.       Software or OS is running slow:-
Cause:- Lack of resources like RAM CPU or disk drive virus or malware infection, missing updates.
Solution:- Open task manager and appearance for RAM or virtual memory allocation any applications use all of the RAM adjust virtual storage if necessary. Check CPU usage levels. Check your harddrive space. Through task manager check the system processes and appearance for sketchy names employing a lot of CPU or Ram virus can have similar name to common windows components. Perform full system scan for viruses if you've got an epidemic that you can't remove consider OS reimage or reinstall install all updates for your computer allow them to finish reboot (updates can take up resources and time).

5.       Computer restarting multiple times:-
Cause:- Software or Windows updates or an epidemic.
Solution:- Let the Windows updates finish (Those updates alone can restart the pc repeatedly an take an extended time). Run virus scan.
6.       Suddenly applications or computer behaving abnormally for example software keeps crashing,
Missing Files or runs slow:-
Cause:- Viral infection or har drive going bad.
Solution:- run virus can, check Windows system logs for NTFS system errors or other or other hard drive related logs. Replace disk drive if necessary.
7.       Internet or website issue error 404 page not found:-
Cause:- Page is missing or deleted wrong website link or website is down.
Solution:- If specific page is missing search the website for desired content. Counter check the website link because it's going to have been changed if all pages are 404. Contact website owner.
8.       Computer is running hot! overheating:-
Cause:- Poor airflow not enough system fans dust or dirt accumulation. CPU fan not working- CPU heatsink is loose. Power supply unit fan isn't working. Computer case is open. Overclocking. Room or ambient temperature is too high.
Solution:- Add system/case fans. Clean your computer from dust if CPU fan isn't working replace it.  If CPU heatsink is loose attach it. If power supply unit fan isn't working replace power supply fan. Close the pc case. Stop overclocking. Lower temperature or move the pc.
9.       Low memory: RAM or disk drive storage:-
Cause:- Too many programs open like games video, editing software, large Excel spreadsheets and etc see task manager, hard drive storage too small.
Solution:- Close application that use an excessive amount of RAM and only use one at a time, Perform Disk cleanup to release space. Alternatively you'll purchase more RAM or add a second disk drive
10.   Very slow internet:-
Cause:- Too many downloads at the same time, Too many computers sharing internet connection, Bad Wi-Fi signal, or virus or malware infection.
Solution:- Limit downloads. If too many of us are sharing Internet you'll limit or set max speed in router for even distribution of bandwidth. Check Wi-Fi signal/distance and adjust in router. Check PC for virus or malware infection. Reset router. Call internet provider.

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