How to Solve Blue Screen Of Death (BSOD)?


Blue Screen Of Death

          Hey everybody, today we're going to focus on the topic Blue Screen of Death(BSOD) so yes we got to talk about Windows and we're going to cover some workable solutions on how you can get back your missing data. Let's see what we've got to show you blue screens the nightmare of the system administrators. Usually you get a nice blue background with stop codes and probably a sad face and some information about what could have possibly caused this condition of the operating system like invalid data access trap or NTFS file system error or nmi hardware failure data bus error. They can be so many so different and that obviously indicates a serious issue with your Windows operating system.  

              There's even some good news though if you encounter a Blue Screen of Death (BSOD). It's not too likely that there's a necessarily a hazard problem so chances are that you're still going to be accessing your data. But of course there are some conditions where this could be a little problematic.  Once the blue screen appears you might be asked to reboot manually your computer or this is automatically going to happen and after that is going to be a check disk automatically running or you might be asked to restore some older version of software. Once all that is done you can still work normally on your computer again in order to offer a solution. We need to well understand what kind of thing has brought the problem so let's talk about the most common scenarios when you're getting a Blue Screen of Death.

What Causes Blue Screen Of Death?

1.       Outdated windows or problematic Windows updates:-  You should always check your PC for Windows Update. It's not necessary to do update every day but it's highly recommended that you keep your Windows version up-to-date. Also occasionally we add some messed up windows updates which leads to Blue Screens Of Death and in other words when the windows update doesn't go correctly or something breaks during the installation yes it's very likely that you're going to get a Blue Screen Of Death.

2.       Damage setup files:- Damage setup files are the next suspect. There are times when the downloaded files are not able to be verified and also they can be corrupted during the download during unexpected interruption of the connectivity or in case your harddrive has bad sectors. Sometimes this can cause errors during the installation which are resulting into a Blue Screen Of Death.

3.       Device drivers issue:-  yes everybody's little scared about updating drivers so yes indeed a driver updates may leads to a Blue Screen Of Death or a malfunctioning all driver and also bring you a Blue Screen Of Death. So be extra careful with drivers and always verify why you download them from and how they the right driver you're supposed to install.

4.       Hardware Glitches:-  Another very common generator of Blue Screen Of Death is hardware (RAM, hard drives, motherboard). Well if any of these components is for some reason malfunctioning yes it's very likely that these confuse the operating system. It's going to crash and the end result is going to be the Blue Screen Of Death.

How to solve Blue Screen Of Death?

1.       Turn off automatic restart:- The windows automatic restart option is set by default and as soon as Windows 10 gets a Blue Screen Of Death. You're going to see a reboot but wait if you reboot you will never see the actual error code and to us that are important part because based on the error code you can figure out whether that's a software problem or a hardware issue. So one of the first things we're going to do is to disable the automatic restarting the event of a blue Screen Of Death. Right click on this PC in Windows 10 and head over to properties, choose advanced system settings, hit on the Settings tab and select startup and Recovery. Uncheck the automatically restart option and hit OK to confirm. That's going to give you the advantage of understanding better what the actual cause of the Blue Screen Of Death.

2.       Uninstall Application:- After you definitely know it's a software problem is to try to only sell some of the applications or some of the latest updates. Here's an example of what we can do, Go to start menu, head over to settings for your PC, now go to the apps option and absent features and begin selecting the apps and the programs that were installed lately, select uninstall confirm that they're gone and try to stress your computer could be that you've just fixed the problem.

3.       Download the upgrade file again:- It's already mentioned faulty setup files could be the culprit. So we recommend you to re-download the upgrade of the set of files and first of all we need to get rid of the old ones. We can do that with this cleanup firstly, click the start button start menu, look for the disk cleanup option, open when you choose the drive select C or the location where your downloads folder is appearing and after that select clean up system files from the options see the dialogue box check the box next to temporary Windows installation files click OK. It will delete the upgrade files now you can download them again.

4.       Detach unnecessary Hardware:- Another thing that can help with fixing the Blue Screen Of Death is removing unnecessary additional hardware, USB drives, mice or new Bluetooth devices you have just installed take them out and check the condition afterwards.


      So far so good we've learned a few easy steps of how we can possibly avoid for the Blue Screen Of Death. I very much hope that this was helpful to you and you've learned a lot today. If you have any follow-up question feel free to comment below.

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